Children & Youth
Working with the minister and Christian education director, the Faith Formation Ministry board engages the congregation actively in faith formation and development, manages programs for children and youth education and Confirmation, and oversees adult education programs
Congregational Nurture Board
The Congregational Nurture Board is dedicated to cultivating church engagement through activities such as retreats, mentoring, and supporting the Caring Ministry, youth programs, social events and fundraisers.
Missions Ministry Board
The Missions Ministry Board is dedicated to answering the call to promote God's love through community outreach, food pantry assistance, social justice initiatives, disaster response, and civil and human rights advocacy.
Worship & Sacraments
The Worship & Sacraments Ministry Board is dedicated to fostering a spiritual sanctuary where individuals of all ages find solace and connection through meaningful worship experiences and sacramental celebrations.
Officers & Administrative Ministry Boards
Jim Cibulka serves as our Moderator. The Moderator facilitates communication within the church and calls all official meetings of the congregation, he chairs Council meetings and helps set strategic priorities, and most importantly, keeps the congregation informed.
Personnel Ministry Board
Amanda Gordon, Lead
This ministry board exists to support the staff and volunteers who perform the work of the church. As co-moderator, Amanda, serves as lead of this ministry board as well as the Nominating Committee.
Lynn Burke is the church clerk. The clerk is the secretary of the church, keeps church records including Baptisms and marriages and records our church history.
Finance Ministry Board
Carol Wiebelt, Lead
The Finance Ministry Board’s responsibility is to plan, direct, and coordinate the financial activities of the church. The Finance Ministry Board works with the treasurer in all areas of its responsibility.
Rita LaRosa oversees the financial well-being of our church with precision and care. Her dedication ensures that our resources are managed responsibly.
Buildings & Grounds Ministry Board
Barbara DeBree, Lead
This ministry board focuses on all aspects of the properties of the church, including repairs and maintenance, renovations or expansions.
Join us!
If you are interested in joining any of our Ministry groups, please don't hesitate to contact us, and we will make sure your request is sent to the appropriate group lead.
(631) 473-1582